
Can Montessori Be Taught Online? With These Tips It Can!

25th January 2022


Montessori education is not a new concept. Dr.Maria Montessori strongly believed that education should be a flexible concept.She also said that education should be modified to meet not only the requirements of the child but the limitations of the environment too.Now, if you are already a Montessori educator with Online Montessori Teacher Training Course, try these approaches to teach virtually.

Montessori education can completely be taught online.However, there may be some difficulties to overcome to make online education more effective.You will also need 100% support from the parents of your student.

How Montessori Can Be Taught Online?

The fact is the Montessori method essentially lends itself to distance or online learning quite well.

1. Montessori Education Is Self-Paced

We all know children are designed to learn through discovery. When kids see and interact with the world around them, they make connections, form ideas, notice various patterns, establish communication, and build upon innovative concepts.

These are the focus points of Montessori education. Montessori educators encourage the belief that kids perform best when they’re given the freedom to learn new concepts on their own.Consequently, children adapted to being taught in a Montessori environment should shift to an online learning platform equally seamlessly.

2. Online Montessori Curriculum

As Montessori is more of an idea than a well-defined program, any parent can create their Montessori home-school or online curriculum. By keeping sufficient resources, allow them to use the Montessori method at home easily.

Furthermore, there are many Montessori materials that you can make yourself, like cutting tangible letters out of sandpaper, using nuts and bolts as fine motor skill builders, or using Scrabble letters for spelling practice, etc.

3. Montessori Boosts Independence

Whether by plan or by need, online learning will certainly help to learn independence as students are given more control of their learning settings. Independence in education is a core value that is particularly valued by the Montessori community.

Thus, Montessori educators always attempt to facilitate autonomy in their students so that they can relish a lifetime of self-guided learning outside the limits of the classroom.

4. A Whole-Family Approach is Needed

The Montessori technique has encouraged a high level of parental participation in the education of young kids. Montessori practitioners believe that parents are children’s first educators, and are frequently in the best position to direct their children through meaningful learning involvements.

Since online education takes place chiefly within the home environment, parents need to join their children as true partners in education development.

5. Try Online Montessori Tools

There are many Montessori educational apps for children that don’t hamper the natural process of learning through discovery.Moreover, there are ‘n’ number of free Montessori educational resources available on the web. Try those!

It’s a big misconception that online education can’t enable this type of learning. With the advancements in educational technology, online education doesn’t have to be a submissive experience.

Final Thoughts

Montessori education can be taught online. Consider Online Montessori Teacher Training Course. You will learn how to create various online learning environments, so that your students can participate in many of the hands-on activities in virtual learning environments, as they would in a more traditional classroom setting.

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Written By : Park Jin Ae

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